30-06. 30-06.

10% zrzuta na banksterów w 15 krajach Eurolandu

30-06. 30-06. Gospodarka Obserwuj notkę 3

Cóż, zdaje się, że miska zaczyna być bardziej pusta niż pełna i łyżka powoli zgrzyta o dno. Ale nie bójmy się międzynarodowe organizacje finansowe nam pomogą. IMF dla naszego własnego dobra wpadł na świetny pomysł jednorazowego opodatkowania wszystkich gospodarstw domowych wykazujących zysk netto. Podatek w wysokości 10% (nie za bardzo wiadomo czego) pozwoliłby na zmniejszenie poziomu deficytu do tego z 2007 roku. jak już zrobimy ta ściepę dla ratowania coraz chudszych portfeli finansistów, będziemy mogli znowu pożyczać. Czy to nie genialne? Wypada tylko podziękować światłym umysłom analityków z IMF... a następnie wsadzić ich na ponton i wysłać do Korei Północnej gdzie ze swoją totalniacką mentalnością wpasują się idealnie.



October 2013


The sharp deterioration of the public finances in

many countries has revived interest in a “capital levy”—

a one-off tax on private wealth—as an exceptional

measure to restore debt sustainability.


The appeal is

that such a tax, if it is implemented before avoidance

is possible and there is a belief that it will never be

repeated, does not distort behavior (and may be seen

by some as fair). There have been illustrious supporters,

including Pigou, Ricardo, Schumpeter, and—until he

changed his mind—Keynes. The conditions for success

are strong, but also need to be weighed against the risks

of the alternatives, which include repudiating public

debt or inflating it away (these, in turn, are a particular

form of wealth tax—on bondholders—that also falls on



As for instance in Bach (2012).

There is a surprisingly large amount of experience to

draw on, as such levies were widely adopted in Europe

after World War I and in Germany and Japan after

World War II. Reviewed in Eichengreen (1990), this

experience suggests that more notable than any loss of

credibility was a simple failure to achieve debt reduc


tion, largely because the delay in introduction gave

space for extensive avoidance and capital flight—in turn

spurring inflation.

The tax rates needed to bring down public debt to

precrisis levels, moreover, are sizable: reducing debt

ratios to end-2007 levels would require (for a sample of

15 euro area countries) a tax rate of about 10 percent

on households with positive net wealth.



IMF staff calculation using the Eurosystem’s Household

Finance and Consumption Survey (Household Finance and

Consumption Network, 2013); unweighted average.



O mnie 30-06.

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